BOROCA™ Liquid fertilizer, Natural Boron in Rheofluidifying concentrated suspension for foliar spray. A 100% natural and safe product with highest Boron content (7%), recommended to avoid boron deficiency in crops. Boron with Calcium Oxide corrects Boron deficiency in soils and crops. Plants grow tall and healthy gives quality yields. Used as natural manure to boost the growth of vegetation and as substance to improve the quality and properties of the soil. Neutralises the acid reactions of soils and favours softness. It is used for rapid change in pH of soils. It plays an important role in cell division. Flowering, fruiting and transportation of food material in the plant system. Boron is an important nutrient on its own, it also has a positive impact on the uptake of potassium and phosphorus in many plants. To improve soil bacteria and other soil microflora to survive or function properly in enhancing soil fertility.